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Monday, 23 May 2011

Full Of Happiness (Drama) Part 6

-Continue Part 5-

         It was Heechul.Coach Yuri wanted to slap him for disturbing her sweet dreams about Minho and her.Actually,Heechul kinda felt something for Coach Yuri thats why he's always been stalking her.Heehcul is the most causing-trouble-teacher at the school.But Taemin always considered him as the best teacher ever because Taemin doesnt want Heechul to think he's a piece of junk.Heechul told her about the school activities,Yuri thought it was a good news but actually it was bad.Yuri has to cancelled her sports activities for a month because of  "Onew Smart Kids" program,which make Yuri felt so dissatisfied and also provoke Onew's Program.They got a huge fight at the principal office.Principal Leetuek tries to calm both of them down but he cant even stop the huge catfight.The whole school heared their cursing and some other bad words to each other.

-In Front  of the School Gate-

      Taemin was wating for Nana in front of the school gate,then Yoona came to see him.Taemin stand up straight seeing her.Yoona was asking if he wanted to go to Yoona birthday party at a teenage club,and Taemin goes a straight YES!.Yoona was happy but Nana didnt look so good after seeing Yoona talking to her best friend.Nana look so frustrated and Taemin didnt even realise why shes acting that way.After a long silence Nana finally speakup and tell him what did Yoona said to him and he explain about the birthday party,Nana wanted to come but Taemin remembered what Yoona said eralier not to bring Nana along because there are too many guest in the list.Nana was so mad and left home alone.Taemin tried to chase her up and drag her along the road side and Taemin said "At least you can help me clothing than getting upset",Nana pinced him and said "FINE!".Taemin just smile after that and Nana help him dressing up for the big day.

-On The Way to the Birthday Party-

         Nana was really worried that Yoona will set him up and let the 2PIG gang bullied him to death but Taemin calm her down with a touch.She dressed Taemim like a royalty family and Taeyeon just laugh after seeing him wearing so cool.Taeyeon also wish him good luck about whats going to happen at the birthday party.When he arrived,he get to go in with ease and Taemin was really pleased.Sulli saw him and approach to him and said hi to him.Taemin replied in silence,Sulli was bored with his attitude in front of her and call up Sooyoung gangs,A bully team that been lead by a girl,Which Taemin think was really low standards and Sulli ask Sooyoung to messing aroung with him.Sooyoung was trying to................Continue Part 7-Coming soon

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