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Friday, 4 March 2011

Taemin Ideal Type (?) Lizzy (Orange Caramel) is His Choice!

Taemin Ideal Type is Lizzy Orange Caramel!Taemin have confessed to her about how much he likes her.Lizzy was startled a bit but their relantionship when on perfectly.Taemin described the girl of his dream that is Aegy face(baby face),beautiful,sweet,nice and adorable.His hyung answered it and said 'its Lizzy(OC) right??!!'.Taemin just blushed after hear what his hyungs said.Key Hyung support him with full of his heart,Onew wasnt sure if he's ready to have a girlfriend especially a beutiful girl like Lizzy,Minho congrats him and he said 'i thought you never going to have a girlfriend because of your girly face',Taemin just laugh and pushed his hyungs away.SNSD noona's said 'you're just too young Taemin.Are you sure?'.Taemin never deny how much he loves Lizzy.Taemin said his loves for Lizzy is more than he can ever gave.Hope their relantionship turn out well!
Taemin Ideal Type List-Official-
1.Aegy Face(baby face)
3.Sweet and Nice
5.Love him with full of his heart

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